PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 28695957-2 2017 In Arabidopsis thaliana, brassinosteroids, which function upstream of the TTG/bHLHs/MYBs/GL2 transcriptional network, positively regulate stomatal formation in the hypocotyl. Brassinosteroids 25-41 HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein Arabidopsis thaliana 89-92 23124966-4 2012 Hormone tests, reporter gene studies and mutant analyses revealed that brassinosteroids act upstream of the transcriptional factors CAPRICE and GLABRA2. Brassinosteroids 71-87 HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein Arabidopsis thaliana 144-151