PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 29872016-4 2018 This study elucidates the potential of maslinic acid in modulating sPLA2-IIA-mediated inflammatory effects in THP-1 macrophages. maslinic acid 39-52 GLI family zinc finger 2 Homo sapiens 110-115 27540737-0 2016 Inhibition of Human Group IIA-Secreted Phospholipase A2 and THP-1 Monocyte Recruitment by Maslinic Acid. maslinic acid 90-103 GLI family zinc finger 2 Homo sapiens 60-65 27540737-8 2016 Results showed that maslinic acid inhibit hGIIA-sPLA2-induced THP-1 cell differentiation and migration, and the effect observed is specific to hGIIA-sPLA2 as cells treated with maslinic acid alone did not significantly affect the number of adherent and migrated cells. maslinic acid 20-33 GLI family zinc finger 2 Homo sapiens 62-67 27540737-10 2016 This study is the first to report on the molecular interaction between maslinic acid and inflammatory target hGIIA-sPLA2 as well as its effect towards hGIIA-sPLA2-induced THP-1 monocyte adhesive and migratory capabilities, an important immune-inflammation process in atherosclerosis. maslinic acid 71-84 GLI family zinc finger 2 Homo sapiens 171-176