PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 9051197-10 1997 The lipid accumulation which was induced by HS was potently inhibited (but not reserved) by the inflammatory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN gamma), and this was associated with decreased apo E production, LPL secretion and expression of LRP. hassio 44-46 interferon gamma Homo sapiens 118-134 9051197-10 1997 The lipid accumulation which was induced by HS was potently inhibited (but not reserved) by the inflammatory cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN gamma), and this was associated with decreased apo E production, LPL secretion and expression of LRP. hassio 44-46 interferon gamma Homo sapiens 136-145 24732061-8 2014 With the stimulation of HS, the production of IL-4 and the FcalphaRI expressing cells in the IgA nephropathy group was significantly increased than the non-IgAN group, while the secretion of IFN-gamma was remarkably decreased in the IgA nephropathy group than the non-IgAN group. hassio 24-26 interferon gamma Homo sapiens 191-200