PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 33804129-5 2021 We also found that the metal-modified Methisazone had higher affinity for PlPr and MPro. Metals 23-28 NEWENTRY Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 83-87 33589845-5 2021 This main virus protease (Mpro) has a Cys-His dyad at the catalytic site that is characteristic of metal-dependent or metal-inhibited hydrolases. Metals 99-104 NEWENTRY Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 26-30 33589845-5 2021 This main virus protease (Mpro) has a Cys-His dyad at the catalytic site that is characteristic of metal-dependent or metal-inhibited hydrolases. Metals 118-123 NEWENTRY Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 26-30 32736274-7 2020 Of the seven Mpro histidines, residues 41, 163, 164, and 246 are in stable H-bonded regions; metal ion binding to one or more of these residues could break up the H-bond network, thereby affecting protease function. Metals 93-98 NEWENTRY Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 13-17