PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 16417912-1 2006 Thiodiglycol (2,2"-bis-hydroxyethylsulfide, TDG), the hydrolysis product of the chemical warfare agent sulfur mustard, has been implicated in the toxicity of sulfur mustard through the inhibition of protein phosphatases in mouse liver cytosol. Mustard Gas 103-117 thymine DNA glycosylase Mus musculus 44-47 16417912-1 2006 Thiodiglycol (2,2"-bis-hydroxyethylsulfide, TDG), the hydrolysis product of the chemical warfare agent sulfur mustard, has been implicated in the toxicity of sulfur mustard through the inhibition of protein phosphatases in mouse liver cytosol. Mustard Gas 158-172 thymine DNA glycosylase Mus musculus 44-47