PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 24475316-0 2014 LIN-9 phosphorylation on threonine-96 is required for transcriptional activation of LIN-9 target genes and promotes cell cycle progression. Threonine 25-34 lin-9 DREAM MuvB core complex component Homo sapiens 0-5 24475316-0 2014 LIN-9 phosphorylation on threonine-96 is required for transcriptional activation of LIN-9 target genes and promotes cell cycle progression. Threonine 25-34 lin-9 DREAM MuvB core complex component Homo sapiens 84-89 24475316-6 2014 In this report, we demonstrate that cyclin E1/Cdk3 phosphorylates LIN-9 on Thr-96. Threonine 75-78 lin-9 DREAM MuvB core complex component Homo sapiens 66-71