PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 23764826-7 2013 The analysis of existing crystallographic data for the reactivation conformation of MetH enzyme (1K7Y (@3.0 A); 1K98 (@3.8 A) and 3IVA (@2.7 A)) indicates that the Y1139 residue and the beta-axial H2O ligand in the MetH-bound Co(II)Cbx complex are equidistant from the Co(II) ion (Y1139Co(II)=3.97 A; H2OCo(II)=3.96 A). Carboxin 232-235 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase Homo sapiens 84-88 23764826-7 2013 The analysis of existing crystallographic data for the reactivation conformation of MetH enzyme (1K7Y (@3.0 A); 1K98 (@3.8 A) and 3IVA (@2.7 A)) indicates that the Y1139 residue and the beta-axial H2O ligand in the MetH-bound Co(II)Cbx complex are equidistant from the Co(II) ion (Y1139Co(II)=3.97 A; H2OCo(II)=3.96 A). Carboxin 232-235 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase Homo sapiens 215-219