
retinol binding protein 1 ; Homo sapiens

52 Article(s)
Pub. Year
#Total Relationships
1 34775955 Cellular retinol binding protein-1 inhibits cancer stemness via upregulating WIF1 to suppress Wnt/β-catenin pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2021 Nov 14 1
2 32909215 Cellular retinol binding protein 1 transfection reduces proliferation and AKT-related gene expression in H460 non-small lung cancer cells. 2020 Sep 2
3 29096166 Lung and liver growth and retinoic acid status in human fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. 2018 Jan 2
4 27830500 Functions of Intracellular Retinoid Binding-Proteins. 2016 1
5 26807202 High expression of cellular retinol binding protein-1 in lung adenocarcinoma is associated with poor prognosis. 2015 Nov 2
6 24269351 Proteome analysis of the effects of all-trans retinoic acid on human germ cell tumor cell lines. 2014 Jan 16 1
7 21621639 Physiological insights into all-trans-retinoic acid biosynthesis. 2012 Jan 2
8 22449228 Transient expression of cellular retinol-binding protein-1 during cardiac repair after myocardial infarction. 2012 Apr 1
9 22945948 Identification of retinol binding protein 1 promoter hypermethylation in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 mutant gliomas. 2012 Oct 3 3
10 21382444 Binding affinities of CRBPI and CRBPII for 9-cis-retinoids. 2011 May 4
11 21514413 Aberrant expression of retinoic acid signaling molecules influences patient survival in astrocytic gliomas. 2011 May 1
12 21782811 RDH10 is the primary enzyme responsible for the first step of embryonic Vitamin A metabolism and retinoic acid synthesis. 2011 Sep 15 1
13 20501978 Retinoid pathway and congenital diaphragmatic hernia: hypothesis from the analysis of chromosomal abnormalities. 2010 1
14 20506167 Cellular retinol binding protein 1 modulates photoreceptor outer segment folding in the isolated eye. 2010 Aug 2
15 21042705 CpG hypermethylation of cellular retinol-binding protein 1 contributes to cell proliferation and migration in bladder cancer. 2010 Dec 1
16 19216755 Chmp 1A is a mediator of the anti-proliferative effects of all-trans retinoic acid in human pancreatic cancer cells. 2009 Feb 12 4
17 19250215 Low levels of both xanthine dehydrogenase and cellular retinol binding protein are responsible for retinoic acid deficiency in malignant human mammary epithelial cells. 2009 Feb 5
18 18343808 Retinoids regulate genes involved in retinoic acid synthesis and transport in human myometrial and fibroid smooth muscle cells. 2008 May 1
19 18569334 Xanthine dehydrogenase processes retinol to retinoic acid in human mammary epithelial cells. 2008 Jun 2
20 16959971 Characterization of cellular retinoid-binding proteins in human myometrium during pregnancy. 2006 Nov 1
21 17079450 A repressive epigenetic domino effect confers susceptibility to breast epithelial cell transformation: implications for predicting breast cancer risk. 2006 Nov 1 4
22 16128742 DNA methylation of genes linked to retinoid signaling in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus: DNA methylation of CRBP1 and TIG1 is associated with tumor stage. 2005 Sep 2
23 16134180 DNA methylation of genes linked with retinoid signaling in gastric carcinoma: expression of the retinoid acid receptor beta, cellular retinol-binding protein 1, and tazarotene-induced gene 1 genes is associated with DNA methylation. 2005 Oct 15 1
24 15113415 Epigenetic CRBP downregulation appears to be an evolutionarily conserved (human and mouse) and oncogene-specific phenomenon in breast cancer. 2004 Apr 27 2
25 15152096 Replacement of proline with valine does not remove an apparent proline isomerization-dependent folding event in CRABP I. 2004 Jun 1
26 12485405 Transient modulation of cytoplasmic and nuclear retinoid receptors expression in differentiating human teratocarcinoma NT2 cells. 2003 Jan 2
27 12956703 Activation of retinoic acid signalling after sciatic nerve injury: up-regulation of cellular retinoid binding proteins. 2003 Sep 4
28 11879576 Decreased expression of retinol-binding proteins is associated with malignant transformation of the ovarian surface epithelium. 2002 Jan 1
29 12034496 Characterization of a novel cellular retinoic acid/retinol binding protein from shrimp: expression of the recombinant protein for immunohistochemical detection and binding assay. 2002 Apr 17 2
30 12153175 The expression of cellular retinoid binding proteins in non-APL leukemic cells and its association with retinoid sensitivity. 2002 Apr 5
31 11704871 CRBP suppresses breast cancer cell survival and anchorage-independent growth. 2001 Nov 1 1
32 10026291 Holo-cellular retinol-binding protein: distinction of ligand-binding affinity from efficiency as substrate in retinal biosynthesis. 1999 Feb 16 2
33 10209249 CRBP I and CRABP I localisation during olfactory nerve development. 1999 Apr 12 1
34 10460195 Vitamin A-sensitive tissues in transgenic mice expressing high levels of human cellular retinol-binding protein type I are not altered phenotypically. 1999 Sep 2
35 10506831 Retinoic acid: its biosynthesis and metabolism. 1999 1
36 8789718 A simple assay for intracellular lipid-binding proteins using displacement of 1-anilinonaphthalene 8-sulfonic acid. 1996 Jan 15 1
37 8841765 Retinoid (vitamin A) metabolism. 1996 Jul 1
38 8964570 Extra-and intracellular transport of retinoids: a reappraisal. 1996 1
39 7556191 Involvement of retinoic acid receptor alpha in the stimulation of tissue-type plasminogen-activator gene expression in human endothelial cells. 1995 Sep 1 1
40 7615982 All-trans retinoic acid induces cellular retinol-binding protein in human skin in vivo. 1995 Jul 8
41 7626500 Enzymes and binding proteins affecting retinoic acid concentrations. 1995 Jun 2
42 8381481 Biosynthesis and metabolism of retinoic acid: roles of CRBP and CRABP in retinoic acid: roles of CRBP and CRABP in retinoic acid homeostasis. 1993 Feb 4
43 8385449 Retinoic acid and craniofacial development: molecules and morphogenesis. 1993 Jan 3
44 8387121 [Cellular retinoid-binding proteins]. 1993 Apr 2
45 1542003 Purification and partial characterization of cellular retinol-binding protein, type two, from human small intestine. 1992 Mar 1
46 1768424 Binding of synthetic analogues of retinol and retinoic acid (CD-270 derivatives) to retinoid-binding proteins. 1991 2
47 2546063 Regulation of the cellular retinoid-binding proteins and their messenger ribonucleic acids during P19 embryonal carcinoma cell differentiation induced by retinoic acid. 1989 Mar 3
48 2645590 Retinoid binding proteins and human skin. 1989 1
49 2825608 Cellular retinoid-binding proteins. 1987 Dec 1
50 2833143 Cellular vitamin A-binding proteins in the testis. 1987 1