Title : Co-targeting p53-R249S and CDK4 synergistically suppresses survival of hepatocellular carcinoma cells.

Pub. Date : 2020

PMID : 31747859

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 p53-R249S (p53-RS) is frequently detected in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that is highly associated with hepatitis B infection and aflatoxin B1 exposure. Aflatoxin B1 tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 p53-R249S (p53-RS) is frequently detected in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that is highly associated with hepatitis B infection and aflatoxin B1 exposure. Aflatoxin B1 tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens